Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Beach, Beach, Beach!

So you can make me live in Utah for now, but I will still have a "shore" themed room SOMEWHERE in my house.  Growing up so close to the beach makes you miss it when you can't be there.  I have turned my guest bath into my piece of beach.  Noah and I were shopping one day and happened upon a really nice boat shelf that screamed "I need you to buy me and hang me in your guest bath"....I REALLY, REALLY wanted this problem, at about 3 1/2 feet tall, there was no room for this gotta have it piece.  So.  I found a small little unfinished boat....

I grabbed one of the lighthouses out of the bath and used it as a guide for the color scheme of the boat.  I painted it blue with tan trim.  I drybrushed the entire piece for a worn older look.  Then "speckled" (my own Alabama term...) it with navy and walnut.  I draped a net over the top and down the side, and filled it with seashells.  I used a seashell over the knob of the drawer, you can never have to many shells!

I used this little boat to store my guest shampoo/conditioner/lotion.  Oh and last but not least...that gotta have it boat...$65, mine...$7 HA! 

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